Clinical Trial

In the Clinical Trial, the drug-under-study, will be tested on randomized volunteer patients. In this test, for a group of patients the drug-under-study will be prescribed and to other group of patients a placebo drug will be given and the results in both test groups will be compared.

Prior to the clinical trial of Alerguard herbal medicine, the required permissions were acquired from Clinnical Trial Institute of Iran.

The clinical trial with Alerguard syrup has been performed in Amol Hospital with 82 Covid-19 patients. Based on the results, in the test group where the patients were given the Alerguard syrup, there was no recorded death and all the patients could leave the hospital after recovery. However unfortunately in the placebo group, three of the patients passed away due to Covid-19.

Below is the link to the registered clinical trial protocol for performing the test in Amol Hospital.

Protocol summary

Study aim
The aim of this study was to investgate the effectiveness of Stop civir syrup consisting of Zataria multiflora Boiss, Alium Sativum, Heracleum persicum, Satureja hortensis, Dianthus, Foeniculum vulgare and a small amount of opium in patients with COVID-19.
This study is a clinical trial with a control group, with parallel, double-blind, randomized, phase 3 groups on 150 patients. The Rand function of the Excel software was used for randomization.
Settings and conduct
This study will be performed in Imam Khomeini Hospital in Amol city and Firoozgar Hospital in Tehran. Patients are randomly assigned to be divided into two groups, treatment and non-treatment, according to the randomization block table (using software). To blind the study, the drugs are packaged in special envelopes with double-digit codes so that only the final evaluator, who is a physician, is aware of the type of medication that patients are receiving. Also, in order not to inform the patient, the placebo is given to the control group.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: The definitive case of covid 19 based on laboratory confirmation the probable diagnosis of covid 19 based on respiratory symptoms with radiological manifestations. Patients between 18-75 years Exclusion criteria: The presence of comorbidities Pregnancy and lactation History of allergies to herbal drugs Crisis and severe cases
Intervention groups
Treatment with Stopcivir: 75 patients will treat with the Stopcivir syrup for the first two days is10 cc every 4 hours and the next two days is 10 cc every 6 hours, with standard medications. Placebo: 75 patients will receive placebo for the first two days is10 cc every 4 hours and the next two days is 10 cc every 6 hours, with standard medications.
Main outcome variables
Length of hospitalization Shortness of breath Oxygen saturation

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